Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shakespeare's Secret

Shakespeare’s Secret, by Elise Broach (Square Fish/Macmillan, 2005)

This book begins as Hero Netherfield moves to a new home to find that the house her family just moved into has a mysterious history. When Hero’s mom asks her to return some hedge clippers to her new neighbor, Hero gets more than she bargained for. When Mrs. Roth tells Hero about the Murphy diamond, she begins to figure out a mystery no one has figured out for a long time. Where did the necklace that the diamond was from come from, besides being in the Murphy’s family history? Where did the diamond disappear to? Hero is determined to find out. So when she gets help from the so-called cutest boy in her taunt-filled school, and she finds something unexpected in her search for the necklace’s origin, everything gets just a little more interesting.

 Read this book filled with stunning secrets and be amazed at what Elise Broach can do to a story: fill it with detail, suspense, description, and so much wonder that it makes you wonder if she’s going to make a series of a book that doesn’t really need it she has so much of this stuff in it. A great read especially for Shakespeare lovers but still is good for other readers too.

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