Monday, August 20, 2012

Cemetery Village

Cemetery Village by Mike Sincere (Smashwords, 2010) Also available as an e-book.

This book is about a girl named Jessica who gets a job in Salem, Massachusetts after her boyfriend’s death, which seems unrelated to the rest of the story, because there is not much further importance with him. Jessica’s parents are ok with sending Jessica off to an area known to be filled with witches to a person they don’t know. When Jessica leaves her home for Salem she suddenly is met by a seemingly crazy woman who dies before the plane leaves. This makes no sense either, as the woman is allowed on a plane in such a fragile health condition? Some parts of the story seem very rushed, as if the author wanted to skip ahead to a “better” part of the story. When Jessica drives around town with Norman, her “boss”, I don’t get why he takes her to the cemetery, but the fake witches and Norman’s suspicious personality are well-written and thought out. Sincere did a nice description of Norman’s wife and home, and when Anna and Katrina arrive, Anna’s sadness and scariness is very good. The suspiciousness of Anna as the girls go out, and when the girls go to the cemetery and have a séance is totally creepy. Skipping ahead to when the girls are trying to find Katrina, who got lost, I don’t get how Anna knows the witches but they were nicely described. When Jessica leaves Norman’s, because she doesn’t like his ways, why won’t Anna let her stay at her place? Why did Norman dress up like a witch and then blame Jessica and Anna for being one (a witch) when they aren’t? Some parts are really confusing but the creepiness and how freaky some characters are is awesome. The confusing parts are overruled by just how scary the book is, which is a good thing, too.

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