Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Old Willis Place

The Old Willis Place by Mary Downing Hahn (Clarion, 2007)

This book is about 2 kids who live alone near an abandoned mansion who meet the new caretaker of the grounds and one of the kids, Diana, tried to make friends with the daughter, but must stretch the truth of earlier life. When the girls go through the old Willis home, Diana is scared that Mrs. Willis will be in the parlor and Lissa tries to prove her wrong, but the ghost is able to leave the place where she died. Mrs. Willis begins to chase all of the kids, including Georgie, Diana’s little brother. And in order to save themselves, they must save Mrs. Willis as well.

 This story is among the best books Mary Downing Hahn has ever written. Her excellence with description shine, and her ghost story is rather spooky. I would recommend it to almost anyone who likes a good ghost story.

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